Here I share different exercises and projects that have guided my learning through frontend and backend development with javascript. Having already used C and Google Apps Script, I started with a bit of an advantage to diving deeper into this language.
Well known programming exercise with numbers. The function will show all numbers tsarting from 0, however showing "fizz" for multiples of 3, "buzz" for multiples of 5 and "fizzBuzz" for multiples of both 3 and 5. Enter a number an give it a try!
Another classic exercise with numbers. Given a position number, the function will display the number of the fibonachi sequence at the given position. In this version all numbers of the sequence will be displayed until the position given and thhat number will be highlighted. Enter a number an give it a try!
This is an open resource from Brad Traversy you can find on his github. I have learned A LOT with Traversy Media and took on these projects without doing the course. My project has all 50 projects in the same index.html and is styled with Bootstrap so my code is a bit different. I was able to complete most of the javascript on my own and it was very fun to compare my solutions to the author's. This is fantastic material for learning!